Explore our website and follow us on social media for gems from the collections and tales of remarkable human resilience, humour and togetherness in extraordinary times. When it was difficult to get fresh eggs, powdered (dehydrated) eggs were substituted.

Rationing was the system of limiting people’s access to food, clothes, and fuel. By Richard Lentinello on Dec 30th, 2019 at 8:57 am. In 1942, sugar rationing followed, and so was gasoline. This tin was sent to Europe from the USA, which provided aid in the form of food. You see, the war caused shortages of all sorts of things: rubber, metal, clothing, etc. During World War II all sorts of essential and non-essential foods were rationed, as well as clothing, furniture and petrol. In the summer of 1945, gas rationing ended on the west coast, along with most other rations, though sugar continued to be rationed in some parts of the country up until 1947.
Food Rationing & Recipes in World War II. Ask anyone who remembers life on the Home Front during World War II about their strongest memories and chances are they will tell you about rationing. During the war, many things were rationed. British wartime diet. Why was rationing introduced? IWM Staff. While our doors are temporarily closed, we still have millions of unforgettable stories to share with you. This meant families were only allowed a small amount each. Rationing for the War Effort. How gas rationing worked during World War II.
To make the British weak, the Germans tried to cut off supplies of food and other goods. Take the World War II quiz Take the quiz > Powdered eggs.

Because they were tinned they also kept for longer than fresh eggs. What You Need To Know About Rationing In The Second World War. German submarines attacked many of the ships that brought food to Britain. Going grocery shopping and cooking may be a chore, but not like it was during World War II. The war meant that production of food and other items was disrupted, and transporting goods to where they were needed was difficult. During World War II, Europe suffered major shortages. Recently, I wrote a book set during WWII. History › World War II › Rationing › Quiz. Rationing During WW2 in the US. Long before the OPEC gas crisis of the 1970s, Americans who owned cars in the 1940s were limited to the amount of gasoline they could buy due to the consequences of World War II.

Some items weren’t available at all. Rationing during World War 2 in the US began with tires, in 1941. Monday 8 January 2018.