In addition to the solid rocket motor, the booster contains the structural, thrust vector control, separation, recovery, and electrical and instrumentation subsystems. Tags: blast off, facts about rockets, launch, liquid fuel, solid fuel

For this project, I wanted to use some kitchen chemistry and a few common household items to test out a few different methods for making rocket fuel. This type of rocket fuel is commonly referred to as "R-Candy" The main components of this composition are a brand of stump remover, which is 100% potassium nitrate (KNO3), and plain white table sugar.

The hybrid rocket concept is not new. What is solid rocket fuel made up of?

Rocket vehicles intended for long life in space can't use cryogenic fuels such as these; hydrazine and nitric acid are often used instead.

In the first Soviet rocket launch on August 17, 1933, a group of scientists tested a small hybrid launcher based on liquid oxygen and a gelled form of gasoline.

This thread is archived. Most missiles are made of Aluminum: it's cheap, light, and just strong enough. Sort by. The hybrid rocket concept is not new.


Shape the rocket fuel to the desired shape with gloved hands. Solid-fuel rocket engines were the first engines created by man.

100% Upvoted. In the first Soviet rocket launch on August 17, 1933, a group of scientists tested a small hybrid launcher based on liquid oxygen and a gelled form of gasoline.

I made a quick search for past threads that might have discussed this topic, but I found none. Probably the most common rocket fuel for heavy lift vehicles would be RP-1. By firing fuel out the back of a rocket, the force propels it upwards with acceleration equal to the force at which the fuel is expelled. While the mixture is still slightly warm, pull it apart and squeeze, pat, or roll it into multiple pieces.

Rocket fuel works on the basis of Newton’s Third Law of Motion, which states that ‘every action is accompanied by an equal and opposite reaction’. The Saturn rocket first stage used oxygen and kerosene; upper stages used oxygen and hydrogen. Rocket Fuel is the elixir of New York’s Fire Island. Rocket fuels can be either solid, or liquid (gases are not commonly used, due to their low density), or a mixture of both. They were invented hundreds of years ago in China and have been used widely since then. Lack of Soviet liquid-hydrogen technology proved a serious handicap in the race of the two superpowers to the Moon.4 Taming liquid hydrogen is one of the significant technical achievements of twentieth century American rocketry. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Essentially a boozier Piña Colada, learn how to make it with our simple recipe. You might make small balls, flattened cakes, or “snakes,” depending on the exact size and design of your model rockets. Answered by Josh Barker, Education Team Presenter for the National Space Centre.

Yup—autonomous mining is what the “water into rocket fuel” debate is really all about. Made from powdered aluminium and an oxidiser, this fuel is often used in booster rockets to give ’craft that extra kick needed to lift off and make their way into space. One of the key issues I imagine would have to be addressed in building a giant rocket (meaning, one that is bigger than any we have built so far) is the square-cube law.

Image left: The Solid Rocket Boosters separate from the Shuttle about two minutes after launch Click image to play video of SRB separation (no audio) Photo credit: NASA.

A number of different things.