Many Tamils still live in these countries, and the Tamil communities in Singapore, Reunion Island, Malaysia and South Africa have retained much of their original culture and language. The South African Tamil Federation condemned the presence of the former Sri Lankan military general Srilal Weerasooriva in South Africa, due to his involvement in the "genocide of between 70,000 and 100,000 Tamils in Sri Lanka" and the Chemmani mass killings in the late 1990s. However, there is complete religious freedom. While the Rig veda is dated around 5000 BC, there is a site with artifacts of advanced Tamil Culture, near Chennai and it is dated to be around a Million Years! Tamils, who constitute approximately 60% of Natal Indians, need to make serious efforts in developing contact with Tamil Nadu mutts, language and cultural organizations that have understood the needs of Tamils in South Africa 's multi-lingual and multi-cultural situation. Still many Africans use Tamil words in there language. During the course of research about the spread of Sanatana Dharma throughout the world, I have come across some curious facts. The Tamil area in India is a centre of traditional Hinduism.Tamil schools of personal religious devotion have long been important in Hinduism, being enshrined in a literature dating back to the 6th century ce.Buddhism and Jainism were widespread among the Tamil, and these religions’ literatures predate the early bhakti literature in the Tamil area. Tamil people refer to an ethnic group native to Tamil Nadu, India and northeastern Sri Lanka. Tamils, however, are a significant minority group in Sri Lanka (about 3 million) and live in other parts of Asia, as well as Fiji, Africa, the West Indies, Europe, and the United States.

The article was first published in The World Sikh News in December 2007. The classical civilization is traceable to … Sanatana Dharma was in place in the South of the Vindhyas, even before Sarasvati Valley ,Harappan civilization. General Weerasooriya is understood to have arrived in South Africa on November 30 in order to attend

December 28, 2012, zubair, 1 Comment. South Africa South Africa has a sizeable Tamil population ( more than 250,000 ). They migrated to Africa before kumari kandam was destroyed. Ancient literature describes the land of Tamils as stretching from Tirupati, a sacred hill northwest of … Many Malaysian children attend Tamil schools , and a significant portion of Tamil children are brought up with Tamil as their first language. There are many places with Tamil name. The Commission of Enquiry of 1845 commented that the Tamils were the best workers. Most of them were brought to South Africa by British to work in plantations.