4 Levels of Strategy-Making / 4 Types of Strategic Alternatives Strategy-making is involved with the identification of the ways that an organization can undertake to achieve the performance targets, weaken the competitors, achieve competitive advantage and ensure the long-term survival of the organization. Diversification is the least significant among Amazon’s intensive growth strategies. Collaboration is highly emphasized. Alternative Growth Strategies. A strategic objective related to this intensive growth strategy is to increase research and development (R&D) investment for rapid product development and release to the online retail market.

In this article we will discuss about strategic planning, alternatives and implementation in an organization. For example, the company grows by introducing technologically enhanced products, such as movies for customers in the international market. Diversification. Product Development; Amazon’s third, supportive intensive strategy for business growth. A boundaryless organization creates a culture of teamwork.

The growth of Amazon itself is partly influenced by the development of new products.. For instance, the company now offers AmazonBasics products and Amazon Web Services – AWS.

The goal of this intensive growth strategy is to develop and offer new products to gain higher revenues. Disney’s intensive strategies are implemented with strategic objectives for maximizing the growth benefits of such innovation.

Boundaryless is a term that designates the concept of working in a business with no walls and no boundaries; a place where all employees can come up with ideas and work together with people in other departments, as if the company were one big department.

Source: David A. Aaker, Strategic Market …
There are several alternatives to integration, such as long term contracts, exclusive dealing agreements, asset ownership, joint ventures, strategic alliances, technology licenses and franchising.