It is there since Adam Smith published Wealth of Nations.

In work specialisation, a job is... 2. Step # 2. Departmentation:

1. 5 Main Steps Involved in Organizing Process | Management Step # 1. Work specialisation: Such as:-First, the strategy-makers develop a vision for the organization and then formulate a mission in the light of the vision.While a vision states ‘where we are going’, a mission describes the organization’s present business and its purpose for existence. Each organisation shall... 3.

In the planning stage, a manager determines how best to accomplish a set goal.

Consideration of Plans and Goals:. There are four parts to the management process: planning, organizing, leading/ directing, and controlling. Departmentation refers to grouping the jobs on some logical arrangements. Determining the Work Activities Necessary to Accomplish Objectives:. This definition encompasses six inter-related issues of strategic management process 6 steps. The process of organizing consists of the following steps: (a) determining and defining the activities required for the achieve­ment of organizational goals; (b) grouping the activities into logical and convenient units; (c) assigning the duties and activities to specific positions and people;