17.04.2013. Like the neighborhood dive bar, Sacred Citadel provides many of the essentials but little else. Sacred Citadel is an intense side-scrolling arcade brawler for up to three players. Test: Sacred: Citadel (Prügeln & Kämpfen) von Mathias Oertel , 22.04.2013 Einseiter 1 2 Fazit Pro & Kontra So testet 4 Players

You don't have to be familiar with the series to enjoy this; just be a fan of beat 'em ups. It’s technically competent, but suffers from repetition and a general lack of diversity and uniqueness. Adam S. May 29, 2020. 0:47. Sacred Citadel - Test Wenn man sich beim Spielen nur eine Frage stellt: Wieso? Sacred Citadel - Launch-Trailer: Helden-Prügelei ab sofort erhältlich. Test von Björn Balg, Redakteur 19. Sacred Citadel is a throwback to the glory days of arcades and side scrolling brawlers, but sadly doesn’t really capture the magic of genre classics. April 2013. The action RPG gameplay of the main series is replaced here with a simpler, side-scrolling hack and slash style.I’m personally unfamiliar with the series in general, so I’ll be judging this game solely on its own merits. Sacred Citadel could have been a great side-scrolling brawler thanks to its great visuals and retro-themed mechanics. This review … Sacred Citadel is a side-scrolling beat 'em up and a spin-off of the Sacred RPG series. But if you're looking for the total package, plenty of great alternatives are already out there. Metacritic Game Reviews, Sacred Citadel: Jungle Hunt for PlayStation 3, The battle has been won, but the war is not over yet!

Was haben wir denn hier? Despite some frustrating enemies and ludicrously overpowered player abilities, Sacred Citadel is an excellent choice for gamers looking for a fun multiplayer romp. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered Edition Officially Launching this August.

Sacred Citadel im Test - Die Suche nach dem verlorenen Spaß .

Sacred Citadel is a side-scrolling beat 'em up and a spin-off of the Sacred RPG series.

All this publication's reviews Sacred Citadel is a spin-off of the mildly successful Sacred series, acting as a prequel to the upcoming Sacred 3. Sacred Citadel Review. Harvest Moon: One World is … Sacred Citadel offers a few simple ways to beat down enemies. "Sacred Citadel should best be treated as a light romp while waiting for friends to log on to play something multiplayer."

Sacred Citadel Review. Elo Hell Review. Set in the realm of the RPG saga, the game reinvents the familiar arcade feel of …

You don't have to be familiar with the series to enjoy this; just be a fan of beat 'em ups. Adam S. May 29, 2020.

If you just want to run around and smash stuff and don't care about compelling antagonists or heroes, this does the job. John D. August 7, 2019.

While I enjoyed this minimalistic approach to the combat design, it did become rather dull once I … 11.04.2013. Sacred Citadel lets you and your friends join the resistance in order to defeat the evil Ashen empire that has enslaved its population and is using the orc-like Grimmoc to … Featured, Indies, News, PC, Reviews. 2K Games Apologizes for Mafia Trilogy's Poor Performance.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Reaches 50 Million Copies Sold . The Sacred series has never quite curried the favor of consumers and critics, as a quick glance at review scores in years past indicates several 70-79 ratings. The combos, juggle tricks and charge attacks are all common to most brawlers and the moves are easy to pull off. Adam S. May 29, 2020. 'Big Mama', the malodorous leader of … Recent. April 30, 2013 - If you need a co-op beat'em up in a pinch, Sacred Citadel will do. Sacred Citadel gets a lot of core mechanics right, and it's always fun to load up on powerful new loot. Read More » Sacred Citadel: Cartoon Brawling for Hardcore RPG Nerds.