Once a 14th-century papal capital, the town today is full of vibrant cafes and shops. Check it out. Posted on June 4, 2015 May 11, 2018 by Rick Steves. These were built so this important slice of the local culture can survive the competition brought on by France’s hypermarchés (huge suburban shopping centers). Rick Steves on Avignon, a medieval town with a youthful attitude. These were built so this important slice of the local culture can survive the competition brought on by France’s hypermarchés (huge suburban shopping centers). Travel with Rick on this video guide to Provence, France and find out what to do on your next trip. Posted by Barbara (Seminole) on 02/09/14 10:26 PM. Avignon Farmers Market. Video: Watch Provence: Legendary Light, Wind, and Wine - an episode of the Rick Steves' Europe TV show. I spent several nights in each and definitely preferred Arles, but better than either for me was Nimes. Cities all across France now have modern and efficient “farmers markets” in practical indoor halls, with big parking garages overhead.

Rick Steves' Europe. Jump to bottom. My Account. It's colorful, comfortable (has air conditioning), and the staff were very nice. We stayed at Le Colbert (recommended by Rick Steves). I also found the Roman theater in Orange fascinating. It's an easy walk, with luggage, from the local train station, and an easy walk to anything in the walled area of Avignon.

Cities all across France now have modern and efficient "farmers markets" in practical indoor halls, with big parking garages overhead.

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You can easily fill two days in either Arles or Avignon; have a look at Rick Steves France book to see which appeals to you.

Avignon and guided tours.

My husband and I are going to be in Provence for six days in May. During the 68 years (1309–1377) that Avignon starred as the Franco Vaticano, it grew from a quiet village into a thriving city.

by Rick Steves Famous for its nursery rhyme, medieval bridge, and brooding Palace of the Popes, contemporary Avignon (ah-veen-yohn) bustles and prospers behind its mighty walls.