Treatment of an Extensor Tendon Injury. The tendons located on your hand's palm side are responsible for bending your fingers and are termed flexor tendons, according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. A physical therapy routine for flexor tendon damage helps soften scar tissue, increases finger flexibility and improves overall hand functioning.
The injured tendon may need to be supported with a splint or cast to take tension off of the repaired tendon. This immobilization will allow time for the tendon … Tendons in the fingers include the extensor tendons on the top of the hand that straighten the fingers, and the flexor tendons on the palm side of the hand that bend the fingers. Tendons of the hand are thin, flat and white in color. Inflammation of the tendon sheath results in trigger finger.
Physical therapy, the other essential component of successful healing after tendon surgery, will begin while you still wear the splint. For those cases with minimal tendon damage (closed injury), immobilizing the finger(s) is the best conservative option. Tendon becomes swollen and rigid when tendon is inflamed. If the tendonitis in your finger is severe and physical therapy hasn’t remedied your pain, you may require surgery. Physical therapy could be your ticket to recovery. Tendonitis is an inflammation of the tendon. With minor injury cases, your physical or occupational therapist (PT or OT) will customize a splint to immobilize the finger(s) preventing you from using the tendon. Physical therapy or occupational therapy is … Three types of surgeries are commonly recommended for trigger finger. Tendinitis in the fingers occurs when the tendons in the forearm that pass through the wrist joint and into the hand, become inflamed. To perform this exercise, place your hands palm side up on a bench and straighten your fingers. Bend your fingers towards the middle of your palms and hold this position for a few seconds. In fact, gentle movement in the early days after surgery helps inhibit the tendon from getting “stuck” in its tunnel, while reducing stiffness and swelling. Tendonitis of the hand causes severe pain with movement of the hand. Once the tendon has healed, starting hand therapy with a physical or occupational therapist is recommended. Physical therapy is the usual treatment for an injury to the Achilles tendon, the largest tendon in your body and one of the most injured. Tendon may be normal or inflamed in Trigger finger disease. Finger bends strengthen your flexor tendons and increase the mobility of tendons across your fingers.