Clip produced by Peace Is The Way Films, in support of their animated film for children, parents and teachers, ‘Planting Seeds: The Power of Mindfulness’ | Thich Nhat Hanh’s beautiful meditation for all ages, reminds us of our flower freshness, mountain solidity, water reflective clarity and spacious freedom. [audio:MM-Four-Pebble-Meditation.mp3] Adapted fromThich Nhat Hanh’s “LivingWithout Stress or Fear”…. Perhaps, holding a pebble and repeating the “still, clear water” phrasing when feelings of confusion arise or “space” phrasing if they are having a hard time releasing something. If you are looking for a way to introduce formal meditation to your children, Pebble Meditation … This may seem like an exaggerated metaphor at first, but for many of us that’s far from the case. The Pebble Meditation. Have you ever felt like you’re being tossed about on life’s waves? Between a stressful job, a long commute, a difficult relationship, or any number of other circumstances that contribute to our stress level, it’s easy to feel like you’re drowning in a veritable sea of anxiety. Prior to beginning this meditation practice, you will need to gather four different pebbles each representing distinct aspects of your true nature to live in happiness and free of fear and suffering.