Getting leaner. After 3 weeks you add 5-15 pounds to the bar and start over at 20. Along with landing, rolling, and falling, climb-ups are amongst the most useful and common of all parkour movements. The weight remains the same for these three weeks. Each week, raise the rings a little higher. You might find pushups to be easy or hard, depending on your fitness level. If you already have muscle ups, then practice linking them, or doing them without a false grip. Spend 10 minutes working on Muscle Ups. Muscle up skill work. Go up to 25 singles for the second week and up to 30 singles for the third week. Faster progression in strength-skill. Step 3: Kipping Muscle ups. 5 rounds for completion: EMOM Min 1= 9 strict hspu Min 2= 12 CTB pull ups Min 3= 15 burpees :) Scoring= Each min completed = 1 point. The kipping part gives you momentum to pull yourself up into the muscle-up position. B. WOD In Teams of 2, Complete the Following for Time: Row x 1500m; Kettlebell Swing (70/53) x 50; Row x 1000m Muscle Up Progression (Bar or Ring) This is not a timed workout.
BTWB Skill Work… Skill Work: Muscle Up Progressions. This is a gravity-assisted form of the final exercise in this progression. See more ideas about Crossfit, Gymnastics wod, Muscle up. If you can do muscle ups, take 2 attempts at a max rep unbroken set on the rings. Occasionally supplementing a short workout with a skill section that allows muscle-up practice, even if muscle-ups aren’t in the Workout of the Day, is another option. Monday Feb 19th: A. We explain the muscles pushups work, as well as variations on them. An excellent opportunity to do this is in the warm-up or within the workout on days where the muscle-up is programmed. Spend 15 minutes practicing your MU’s from the appropriate step in the progression. A climb-up is the name of an iconic parkour skill that is essentially the real-world, urban application of a muscle-up, on a wall, fence, or similar barrier. Notes: Practice transitions and/or strength in the pull and dip (i.e. Muscle-up or Muscle-up Progression Muscle-up 2-2-2-2-2 Or Muscle-up Progression 5-5-5 Pick a starting point that you can work from. SKILL WORK. Apr 24, 2013 - Explore cfharboreast's board "Skill Work" on Pinterest.

What can I expect? Improvement in work capacity. 3 sets of 8 pull-ups, 8 dips, etc).