Let’s take a look at some top tips to cut back on plastic at school… In your school bag! If there are school supplies or equipment that are not needed or left over at the end of the year, donate them to a local organization instead of throwing them away. And there’s lots of simple ways we can do it! Buy your meat from the deli and have it wrapped in paper. Start a composting program in … The "4-R" Rule. To make sure it is fully participatory you need to visit each classroom and let everyone know what you are planning and encourage the students to ask questions and make suggestions. 13. Get your cheese from the deli and place it in your own container (glass or a plastic one that you already have, don't waste what you already have!) or get it wrapped in paper. THE 5Th WAY CAFETERIA AND LUNCHS Last tell your teachers to also reduce by using reusable cups, mugs and plates instead of plastic and Styrofoam cups and plates.

Shares 3.1k Facebook Tweet Pin Email Print. By Nina Nelson Beauty Cleaning Food Health. THE 9th WAY Lucky for you, this article is packed with simple and practical ways you can cut out plastic in your life. 21 Ways to Reduce Plastic Use in Your Home. Composting Schools can work with their cafeterias to establish a composting program so that food waste is put in composters in the back of the school. Students Take on Plastic (S.T.O.P.) And 450 years for a plastic bottle to break down?! is an initiative borne out of the Ban the Bag Conference at the Hewitt School (NY) in 2013 and their follow-up student training on how to talk to lawmakers to encourage them to pass legislation that bans or places a surcharge on single-use plastic bags. Here's a fun little "rule" to remember: Reduce, Refuse, Reuse then Recycle. Plastic Free 4 Schools is a whole school effort, so everyone needs to make the decision to get involved and help out. This post may contain affiliate links. Schools can set up new policies to reduce trash created in the cafeteria. That’s why we need to do all we can to reduce the amount of plastic we use and chuck away. Work with the families and teachers to make going “Back to School” greener too. With a growing amount of research revealing the dangers of certain plastics, it’s a great time to reduce plastics in your home. Reduce: First and foremost, REDUCE your use of plastics. Tell them about the three actions: Single-use plastic represents one of many challenges to a sustainable future for our planet. Find alternatives. In the cafeteria they can also have a testing session for new menus so that it can reduce the food waste.