Horsehead nebula, what size telescope do i need to see it? Stars and planetary systems are formed from the gas and dust within nebulae. … Over 30 different images went into the original Pillars of Creation. Nebulas are mostly composed of hydrogen along with smaller amounts of other gases and dust particles. The blob of darkness lies halfway along the streamer of faint nebulosity that runs for 1° south from Zeta (ζ) Orionis, the easternmost belt star.The streamer IC434) is a bit brighter than the Veil Nebula in Cygnus, and no great feat to see.

The Horsehead Nebula.

The Orion Nebula, while more famous, especially in the northern hemisphere, is only a hundredth the size of 30 Doradus. Would a 4inch reflector do it or would I be better off with a refractor?

The Horsehead Nebula lies close to the bright star, Alnitak, in Orion’s Belt. It is a giant starburst region where the energy from the bright, hot young stars creates huge voids and filaments in the surrounding clouds of gas. It’s incredibly challenging for visual observers. They range in size from millions of miles across to hundreds of light years across. 2. I then measured the size of the Moon and resampled a bigger photo (effective focal length 2400mm) to match that size. It all depends on what you consider small though.

Resized Moon was then pasted next to Andromeda. Answer Save. Think again!

It is one of the most photographed and identifiable nebulae in the night sky.

GeoffG. The Horsehead Nebula lives approximately 1,500 light-years away from Earth. Wikipedia says the apparent size of Andromeda is 190' by 60'. I would like to view the horsehead nebula, along with lots of other things, but I am not sure what size telescope to get, I don't want to spend a fortune though.
IC 434's glow is excited by ultraviolet light from Sigma Orionis. Relevance.

Lv 7.

The Tarantula Nebula got its name because its glowing filaments of dust resemble the legs of a spider. It is in a small section of the sky based on relative size. The Horsehead Nebula (Barnard 33) is one of the most photographed but least observed nebulae in the sky. Here's a comparison of the Andromeda galaxy and the Moon. I took some photos of the Moon with a 200 mm lens, the same I use to photograph Andromeda.
This nebula gets its name from the shape of the dark cloud of dust in front of a vibrant red emission nebula . Did you think this kind of celestial beauty comes easy? For example if you compare to Horsehead Nebula in size to a small galaxy like Messier 95 which may be one of the smallest objects I have an image of, and then compare it to the Horsehead, M95 is a much smaller section of the sky.. Just depends what you consider small is all. 18 Answers. 1 decade ago. The image above shows the Eagle Nebula with the Pillars of Creation at the center. The Horsehead Nebula, Barnard 33, is a dark pillar of obscuring dust and non-luminous gas that blocks the light glowing behind from the diffuse emission nebula IC 434.