Groupthink is a term of the same order as the words in the newspeak vocabulary George Orwell presents in his dismaying 1984 – a vocabulary with terms such as ‘doublethink’ and ‘crimethink’. Groupthink Case Study. Challenger also presented a case study in organizational communication and ethics, including the ethics of organizational structure and culture as it promotes or discourages necessary communication, the ethics of whistle blowing, and an excellent study of group think. They essentially limited their assessment to only the groupthink symptoms and did not Case Study Of Groupthink's Concerns In The Collapse Of Enron; ... Enron a Case Study Enron, once known as the worldwide leader in energy trading, began as a natural gas pipeline company. Section two deals with how the approach can be applied to inform a foreign policy case by examining George W. Bush and Barack Obama’s decision making styles for Afghanistan and Iraq. Groupthink Case Study Introduction Working in groups is something we all encounter in our life, in and outside of work. Articles warning of the dangers of groupthink and suggesting remedies appeared in management, psychology, and sociology periodicals. The president of a company sought to implement a flexible hours program, but wanted input from employees. Although Janis‘ groupthink theory was based on historical case studies and not empirical evidence it quickly found mass appeal. Groupthink. Leaders at any level of any kind of organization can learn from this case study. The central aim of this paper is to demonstrate how the Groupthink … The essay ends with some concluding remarks. A set of two or more humans who have developed a common social identity by interacting and collectively have a sense of unity refers to a group. Groupthink tends to increase as the group becomes more and more cohesive. Decisions are made by teams every day and it is imperative that the decision-making process be effective. By putting groupthink with those Orwellian words, I realise that groupthink takes on an Orwellian connotation. For example, Ahlstrom and Wang (2009) completed a study using the groupthink model to assess France‘s defeat by Germany in 1940. A case study of nine employees was evaluated to show how groupthink can influence decisions which would not have been made in other conditions. “At its peak, Enron brokered up to 20 percent of America’s energy transactions. A group - or team - consists of people working together because they have a common purpose or goal. Section one briefly reviews what the Groupthink Model is. This short essay contains two sections. The case studies in Table 3 apply only a subset of the Janis (1982) groupthink model, the groupthink symptoms. SHARE. Groupthink became extremely popular in a wide range of literature. The author contends that it is not the danger of external threats that causes the group to engage in groupthink but rather it is the result of the “non-deliberate suppression of critical thoughts as … Chapter 1 Introduction to Communication Theory 9 Case Study 1: Evaluating Groupthink Whetherornotyouknowthedetailsofthetheory,it’slikelythatyou’veheard Posted Apr 20, 2011 . Preventing "Groupthink" Take your team off autopilot.