Elohim (God) First seen in Genesis 1:1 – Used 2599 times in the Bible Jehovah - The Lord - Exodus 6:2-3 Jehovah-Adon Kal Ha'arets- Lord of Earth - Josh 3:13 Jehovah-Bara - Lord Creator - Isaiah 40:28 His names haven't changed (He's the same yesterday, today, and forever), but this is a more in-depth post and I think you'll love it too, friend! This inspiring video shows several of the most important Hebrew names of God. We use this name if we are seeking God to open our eyes and reveal to us that even though men may not see our good deeds, God sees it all. Names of God. “God will throw open the doors of his sky vaults….” 5. If we would be still and listen, we would know where that provision is. We must be conscious of the fact that God loves us with a deep fatherly love. Genesis 22:14 - And Abraham called the name of that place The Lord provides.

There’s something intimate, exciting, and powerful about calling out the names of God in your prayers. 100 Christian Baby Names Meaning “Gift Of God” The Bible, the holy book of the Christians, is full of names, and many of them have become very popular nowadays.Here are 100 Christian baby names that mean “Gift of God” Now you can select one beautiful and meaningful name for your cute little one from the C hristian baby names table in the below.

Enjoy this video and share it … Another of the names of God we call on is El Roi.

Hearing and seeing the amazing names of God helps us know who God is, and it gives us a deep sense of awe for our wonderful and great God and Father.

Goddess of beauty, love, desire, and pleasure.

If the vision sounds a bit fantastical, perhaps it means that God’s generosity is literally unimaginable to us, accustomed as we are to scarcity. But he graciously gives us insight … He has already made provision for everything that we will ever need. When you put your faith in Christ, God commissions himself to protect, provide, and care for you (Philippians 4:19). While God provided the prophetic word to David from Nathan, God also provided the design directly to David and even the materials to complete the design. God’s provision is so extravagant that the gates of the city will be pearls, the foundations jewels, and the streets gold (Revelation 21:19-21). Names Of God Video – Very Inspiring! Yahweh Nissi means “The Lord Is My Banner” – This is the name of God that proclaims His protection, leadership, and deliverance for His people.
Name of God: Yahweh Nissi . Included is a link to the scripture verse where the first mention of that name of God occurs along with how many times that name is mentioned throughout the Bible. This act of God was a symbol of the substitute role that Jesus would play in the redemption of mankind.

As we continue learning about what it means to have peace and serenity in our lives, I want to share a word that I believe can help you tremendously – provision.

1 Chronicles 28:11-19 explains the specific design and the materials for the temple down to exact weights for the various items. Below are the various names of God listed in the order of their first appearance in the Bible. There are many, many verses that speak about God’s provision for us. 8. David was given everything he needed to walk into the prophecy spoken over him. Jehovah's Name Exalting the Name of Jesus Christ "If I be lifted up I will draw all men unto me." While Joshua and the people fought against their … Download the 16 Names of God and What They Mean 10-page, printable from our Etsy shop for just $5. Luke 12:24 “Consider the ravens: they neither sow nor reap, they have neither storehouse nor barn, and yet God feeds them. It is said to this day, In the mountain of the Lord provision will be made. God always provides for his children, though often it is not in the way we expect or hope. Because God is God, his ways are higher than our ways (Isaiah 55:9). “And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under Heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12). 1. Jehovah Jireh: The God of Provision Many of us have come to know the name Jehovah Jireh as one of the most sacred names of God because of how God provided a substitute sacrifice for Abraham. Just as God brought divine protection for the Israelites against their enemy, the Amalekites, He offers us protection and deliverance today from the enemies we may face in this life. The God of Provision “You gave me life and showed me kindness, and in your providence watched over my spirit.” – Job 10:12.