I’ve been enjoying skiing in Glacier Gulch this year, and have skied the Southwest Couloir a number of times in the past, but it’s just so darn beautiful in the area that I […] We took the Highline Trail at the Green River Lakes Trailhead to the Tourist Creek Drainage. I called in sickter to work the other day and got out with some friends to ski the Southwest Couloir of Teewinot. To our left snaked the spiny airy ridgeline to Mt. Koven and to our right lay the north ridge of Gannett Peak. Moving from a cold dark couloir into the sun high on a ridge on a glorious day is a joy. There are a lot of factors to consider when you go for this Wyoming High Point. The approach slog was long and pretty boring, since low clouds blocked all the views of the peaks. From there we went up the West Couloir in route to the North Ridge. arm to the summit ridge of Gannett. The northern Winds are renowned for their 13,000’ glaciated peaks and remote alpine areas, including Gannett Peak, at 13,804’ the highest summit in the state. We followed the groomed park road nearly all the way to the North Jenny Lake junction before veering off towards the Leigh Lake parking area. The massive range spans 100 miles and it’s crest forms the Continental Divide.

Couloir, and retraced my steps through the crevasses. By: randosteve | Posted on: November 13, 2008 | Posted in: Middle Teton, The Tetons | Comments Off on Southwest Couloir, Middle Teton

There are a few routes to get to the top of this peak. I descended the S.E. Jackson Hole […] Granite was planned for months, but was suppose to be climbed after Borah(ID), so we would be more acclimatized and there would be less snow up there. The Wind River Mountains, located in western Wyoming, are a great climbing and mountaineering destination. An uncontrolled fall down the couloir would probably be fatal, and there is some potential for rockfall danger. Before us lay the massive expanse of the Gannett Glacier – the largest glacier in the American portion of the Rocky Mountains. Approach via Glacier Gulch, continue up the moraine, then up and right to …

Randosteve skis the Southwest Couloir on Mount Moran. Gannett Peak is an interesting mountain to summit. The Southwest Couloir of Teewinot comes off the high plateau west of the summit and faces southeast. We were already in Idaho when we checked the weather forecast, and saw four sunny icons for Cooke City MT… Anyone who once planned doing that peak knows how bad the weather is up there, so we made our packs for a 4-days hike, … Southwest Couloir, Middle Teton. The couloir is about 45 degrees in steepness, and gains 600-800 feet of altitude, from the Dinwoody Glacier's N.W.