There are two paths in the world you can choose from.

One of those games that makes you want to laugh, cry, smash your mouse into a million pieces, and go on a rampage, destroying all vegetables at the local market. Check out an ETHER One gameplay clip. This trailer for ETHER One show off its gameplay and environments. ETHER One - Gameplay.

It's one of those games that, if you persevere and play long enough, you'll start to really understand that at it's heart, its a good game. At its core is a story exploration path free from puzzles where you can unfold the story at your own pace. Ether One is a first person adventure game based on dementia. Nov … 02 - Introduction This is one of those games.

We received critical and popular acclaim on PC and we're now bringing our game to the Playstation 4! Ether One™ is a first person adventure that deals with the fragility of the human mind.