Under Delaware law, a limited liability company (LLC) may be composed of an individual series of membership interests.

Assumed Name Filing – Like Alabama and Delaware, Texas series LLCs can name individual series as the members or managers see fit.

LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANIES [EGAN ON ENTITIES Chapter 5] LLC Vocabulary – Delaware • LLCs formed under Delaware law are governed by the Delaware Limited Liability Company Act (the “DLLCA”).

Sec. However, there are no disadvantages to choosing a series LLC over a standard LLC, even if you don't currently have a need for a series company.
Form a Delaware Series LLC Now.

Because of the depth of startup activity in California, which might translate to more sophisticated case and statutory law, forming a non-DE startup there might make more sense than it would in Texas. • As in Texas, the owners of a Delaware LLC are called Members and are analogous to stockholders of a Delaware corporation.

What to Name a Series of a Series LLC. A series limited liability company, commonly known as a series LLC and sometimes abbreviated as SLLC, is a form of a limited liability company that provides liability protection across multiple "series" each of which is theoretically protected from liabilities arising from the other series. A Texas Series LLC is a limited liability company (LLC) that has the ability to create one or more sub-series within a single LLC structure.

28 29. If you want to learn more about the basics of series LLCs, check out our What is a Series LLC page.. I hope the above information has been a useful primer for you. Recently, I reviewed a certificate of formation for a Texas series LLC on the Texas Secretary of State’s website that failed to include the notice of limitation required by §101.602(b)(3) of the Texas Business Organizations Code. Here’s the why the Delaware Series LLC is repeatedly favored by individuals across the country and around the world. Should you wish to have more flexibility and protection, you may instead form a Delaware LLC even if you operate in Texas. Sec. Series LLCs first became available in Texas in 2009 but have been offered in Delaware since 1996. Statutory Authority. There’s a lot of talk about Series LLCs and people are wondering if they’re a smart idea.

If you care to add to the discussion or have questions about any of this, dash them off in the comments section below.

18-215 of the LLC Act is the original section governing Series LLCs.

See 4 reasons to avoid them. A series LLC in Delaware is a special type of LLC that provides specific liability and tax benefits to its owners and members.The series LLC consists of a master LLC and one or more individual series LLCs that branch off from it.

The Delaware Series LLC has undergone a round of important changes set to take effect on August 1, 2019.

Like the traditional Texas LLC, limited partnerships, and corporations, the Series LLC is governed by Chapter 101 of the TBOC.

18-215(a) provides that a Delaware LLC can establish in its LLC agreement series of members, managers, LLC interests, or assets.