mir fehlt schon wieder ein Symbol, dass ich in meiner Hausarbeit benötige.

I cannot find the symbol for perpendicular in Word 2010. Thanks.

23CE carriage return symbol ⌫ 232B erase to the left (backspace) ␣ 2423 space symbol ⎵ 00A0 non-breaking space - invisible forced space.- 00AD soft hyphen - is shown where it is inserted in a word if the word is too long for the line and breaks just after the soft hyphen.

Diesmal handelt es sich um das Zeichen kongruent. Tip If you sent an Outlook-formatted squared symbol to a non-Outlook email client, the formatting may not render properly -- for example, the “2” may appear in regular text. "Congruent to" is usually referring to shapes in Euclidean geometry and proofs, hence it is written out. Geometry symbols All geometry symbols I could think of are compiled on this page. VIELEN DANK SCHON MAL IM VORRAUS Grüße Chris: iso "Nobody ist perfect!" The other option is to enter the Unicode character of the symbol and then press Alt + X to convert in to a symbol. Also I need the one for parallel.

This is a list of mathematical symbols used in all branches of mathematics to express a formula or to represent a constant.. A mathematical concept is independent of the symbol chosen to represent it. Congruence - symbol description, layout, design and history from Symbols.com Please help.

Click the "OK" button and the square symbol is now in place. For example, on Microsoft Word enter 2721 and then press Alt and X to convert it in to a star .

Otherwise the hyphen is invisible. Verfasst am: 02. You can search and copy the required symbols from CHARMAP program. Es sieht aus wie das Gleichheitszeichen, nur mit 3 statt 2 Strichen Ich hoffe, ich kann nochmal so ne tolle Unterstützung bekommen, wie erst vor Kurzem.