You start off in bound extended side angle, just like bird of paradise, but instead of bringing your foot up to the front of your mat, you bring it about half way and get into a bound half moon. A searchable dictionary of yoga poses. Crazyness. [12] In Bikram Yoga , the name "half moon pose" is given to a two-legged standing … Step 1. On the right side of course. It's an advanced variation of the pose, Half Moon (Ardha Chandrasana), which builds mental and physical strength. Inhale, bend your right knee, and slide your left foot about 6 to 12 inches forward along the floor. While there are not Half-moon Pose precautions as it is considered a safe pose, some factors to keep in mind when performing the Half-moon Pose are as follows. I almost kind of got it. At the same time, reach your right hand forward, … Yeah. Revolved Half Moon Pose is a standing yoga pose that combines the challenge of balancing with the detoxifying benefits of a twist. In Sivananda Yoga and its derivative styles such as the Bihar School of Yoga, half moon pose is Anjaneyasana, an asana used in the moon salutation series (Chandra Namaskar). Sort of. Triangulation does not necessarily refer to a geometric triangle, but rather a conceptual one, wherein the actions of two structures work together to affect a third. This pose is also effective for alleviating anxiety, backaches, osteoporosis, sciatica , fatigue, constipation, gastritis, indigestion, and menstrual pain . Use the principle of triangulation to locate the focal point in Half-Moon. I think. ardha = half candra = glittering, shining, having the brilliancy or hue of light (said of the gods); usually translated as "moon" Half Moon Pose: Step-by-Step Instructions. Perform Utthita Trikonasana to the right side, with your left hand resting on the left hip. The Sanskrit name for this pose, "Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana" (PAHR-ee-VREE-tah ARD-uh chan-DRAHS-uh-nuh), comes from four words: Half Moon Pose is a great asana for learning how to balance and grow awareness in what can at first seem a disorienting position. The pose can also ease lower-back problems, relieving sacrum pain, sciatica pain, and lumbar aches. Those people who are suffering from conditions like diarrhea, insomnia, blood pressure, back or shoulder pain must not perform this pose. A balancing act and strengthening combo, Half Moon Pose is a powerful peak pose for classes and can make you feel like queen of the divine feminine energy over which the moon rules. Find a new yoga pose or learn about one of your favorites with images, descriptions, and benefits for each pose.