The largest asteroid to pass as close to the Earth in a century “slipped through” Nasa’s detection systems, internal emails reveal. The asteroid 2002 NN4 will miss Earth by over 5 million km on June 6 2020, despite tabloid headlines Here's a headline you won't see in the tabloids: "On Saturday night, an asteroid …

Apr 16, 2020 | 0 | (BIN) – An asteroid the size of a house was discovered by NASA last week, which was just in time to announce its near-miss on Wednesday night. However, this near-miss asteroid that passed between the earth and the moon on June 5 recently is said to be of between 89 – 200 metres wide.

NASA Missed an Asteroid that Came Closer to Earth than the Moon. A huge asteroid may be on a collision course with our planet, which could cause great chaos due to its size. NASA is monitoring the 1998 OR2, a deadly asteroid that could collide with Earth in April 2020. Asteroid 2020 GH2 is estimated to be 43 to 70 feet wide according to

Apparently according to EarthSky reports, if this asteroid did hit the earth while passing, it might have caused a kilometre wide crater that one can see in …

The Center for Near Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) revealed that asteroid 1998 OR2 has a diameter of […]