Each new idea or revelation … Exploring diversity and equity in education and care services ‘We must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words but to live by them’. According to UniversityBusiness.com, students from across the country have joined a nationwide movement demanding campus reform. With its specific focus on advancing equity1 in early childhood education, this statement complements and supports the other foundational documents that (1) define developmentally appropriate practice (revision underway), (2) set professional standards REFLECTING QUALITY: DIVERSITY, INCLUSION, & EQUITY IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION | i Table of Contents NCAEYC’S ANNUAL CONFERENCE There is no exact end point in diversity, inclusion and equity. Access to high quality early childhood education is particularly essential for students in high poverty communities. Equity and Early Childhood Education eclaiing the Child n A olicy esearch rief 1 Equity can be described as the elimination of privilege, oppression, disparities, and disadvantage that historically have excluded those be-longing to particular groups. Building Early Childhood Systems in a Multi-Ethnic Society is an overview of the BUILD Initiative’s briefs on diversity and equity. Village Building and School Readiness - Closing Opportunity Gaps in a Diverse Society focuses on issues and opportunities for building early learning systems in vulnerable; disinvested; or poor, immigrant, and minority communities. Not just one helpful book from which to glean a newfound capacity to work with children, families, and colleagues in ways that honor human differences. (John F. Kennedy) Inclusion Fact Sheet. College students have been talking about it. Employers who care about gender equity in the workplace, according to the report, need to understand the importance of high-quality childcare and early childhood education programs in the communities in which their businesses are based.

In 2019, NAEYC took a significant step by publishing their Advancing Equity in Early Childhood Education Position Statement and centered their 2019 Annual Conference on Equity in Early Childhood Education.

the early childhood profession. This is the first and overarching of several research policy briefs around issues of equity. As of 2015, students have presented lists of race-equality demands to 80 universities and colleges across the nation - They can do this best when they, the early learning settings in which they work, and their wider communities embrace diversity and inclusivity as strengths, uphold fundamental principles of fairness and justice, and work to eliminate structural inequities that limit equitable learning opportunities.