"Kelp head?" Biologically? Thanks for the A2A. Athena was regarded as the patron and protectress of various cities across Greece, particularly the city of Athens, from which she most likely received her name. Athens obviously chose Athena as their patron, hence the name and the hundreds of statues in her dedication. Athena or Athene, often given the epithet Pallas, is an ancient Greek goddess associated with wisdom, handicraft, and warfare who was later syncretized with the Roman goddess Minerva. The contest took place on the Acropolis. Athena and Poseidon vied for control of Athens and its surrounding territory, Attica. This may be traced to an interesting myth. It was Hera who was the instigator because she never forgot the bad treatment she got from Zeus. Poseidon vs Zeus comparison. Each god gave the city a gift, Poseidon’s gift being a saltwater spring, and Athena’s the olive tree.

Athena herself as victorious war goddess was called Athena Nike and the simple but elegant temple of Athena Nike stands to the right of the entrance to the Acropolis. Poseidon was the other choice. In Greek mythology, Poseidon and Zeus were brothers (the children of Cronus and Rhea) and two of the Twelve Olympians, the principal gods of the Greek pantheon, residing atop Mount Olympus. The Athenians or their king, Cecrops , accepted the olive tree and along with it Athena as their patron, for the olive tree brought wood , oil and food. At the dissolution festival in Athens, which took place at the end of the calendar year, there was a competition between Athena and Poseidon for becoming the primary deity of Athens . Poseidon struck the ground with his trident and a spring sprang up; the water was salty and not very useful, whereas Athena offered them an olive tree. THE CONTEST BETWEEN ATHENA AND POSEIDON. This may be traced to an interesting myth. Athena vs Poseidon. Athena said "What dont insult kelp it has feelings too ya know." Poseidon said "Thanks Kelp head." Although Poseidon was a leading deity in Athens, he was second to Athena. The people sighed in wonder, but when they tasted it, they were not so impressed for the spring was as salty as the sea Poseidon ruled. The answer is yes he did revolt once, but only as a participant, not an instigator. This page contains tales of the goddess from the sagas of the gods including her birth, death of Pallas, War of the Giants, creation of Pandora, contest with Poseidon for Athens, birth of Erikhthonios (Erichthonius), and flute of Marsyas. Poseidon is Zeus’s older or younger(depending on the way you look at it) brother, and Athena is Zeus’s daughter. Athena, on the other hand, merely knelt and buried something in the ground. Hermes questiond "Yes Poseidon doesnt have a brain his head is just full of kelp." The birth of Athena, Athenian black-figure kylix C6th B.C., British Museum ATHENA was the Olympian goddess of wisdom, war, heroism and crafts. A spring shot forth and began pouring out water. said Poseidon" First of all Im not insulting kelp Im insulting YOU, and kelp doesnt have feelings you idoit." Poseidon was first, and he lifted his trident and struck the earth with it.