Aug 1999, high power committee reviewed the disaster management in the country 4. Heavy rainfall caused, Malpa landslide was one of worst landslides in India, at village Malpa in Pithoragarh of Uttarkhand.

Landslides: processes, prediction, and land use 1 Roy C. Sidle, Hirotaka Ochiai. Around 380 people were killed when massive landslides washed the entire village along with Hindu pilgrims of Kailash Mansarovar yatra. Title. Kumar K and Satyal G S 1999 Cost analysis of losses caused by the Malpa landslide in Kumaun Himalaya – A basic framework for risk assessment; Curr. Landslides. 1998 Malpa Landslide. -- (Water resources monograph; 18) Includes bibliographical references and index. The landslide was a complex rock fall–debris flow.

Landslide hazard analysis. 77(8) 1023–1028. p. cm. ISBN-13: 978-0-87590-322-4 ISBN-IO: 0-87590-322-3 1. 1999 Odisha Cyclone In the year 2004 –mitigation, prevention, preparedness in case of disaster management and all related activities 2. These events occurred in the timeline of 10 years in Pangi valley, Kinnaur valley, Shimla, Dalhousie, Kullu valley, Solan Valley and Una. Almost every landslide … II. Three major disasters during recent times includes malpa landslides Aug 1998, super cycle on 1999 Orissa, ugh earthquake 2001 2. led to sea level changes 3. Google Scholar ill. Series. The Malpa landslide was one of the worst landslides in India.On 18 August 1998 at 3.00 a.m., massive landslides wiped away the entire village of Malpa in the Pithoragarh district of Uttarakhand, then in Uttar Pradesh in Kali Valley of Higher Kumaon division of the Himalayas.The rockfall started on 16 August bringing down huge rocks which initially killed three mules. The mass movement generated around one million cubic metres of debris and partially blocked the Kali River, Malpa Gad (a tributary of Kali) being blocked completely. Sci.
I. Ochiai, Hirotaka. A devastating landslide on 18 August 1998 near Malpa Village in Kali Valley of Higher Kumaun Himalaya killed 221 persons.